It’s January that means that gyms, nutritionists, and health experts are busy helping people who are hoping to reach their “New Year new me” goals.
While there are many different directions people can take to reach their healthiest self, a common path is towards elimination diets.
Aligned Modern Health’s doctors have found that an estimated 81 percent of people suffer from some sort of food sensitivity.
By choosing elimination diet one would remove any specific foods or ingredients from his/her diet because a doctor thinks it may be causing allergy symptoms.
It’s easy to identify on your own what foods may be causing you symptoms like heartburn, stomach pain, or irritable bowls.
1. Identify one food, or food group to eliminate from your diet.
After identifying a food or food group to eliminate from your diet, write down your meals in a food journal. Not only will it help you see if there is another food or food group irritating your system, but it will also help you vary up your meals!
2. Start to reintroduce the eliminated food or food group back into your diet, slowly.
It’s important to do this step gradually so you can track the effects, if any, on your overall health – are your energy levels dipping, do you have sharp stomach pains, etc.
3. Eliminate the food or food group that has been identified by you and your doctor as an irritant from your diet.
If you are still experiencing similar symptoms even after eliminating a particular food or food group, start the process again by going through your food diary and identifying what days you felt your worst and what was the most common food or food group you ate that day.
It is important to consult a physician before you undergo an elimination diet to ensure that you are still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s also highly recommended to revisit your doctor a few weeks after the diet change to check it’s effectiveness.
Elimination diets are a time for adjustment. You’ll be incorporating more food groups into your diet that you previously ignored to make up for the nutrients lost from the food or food group you’ve chosen to eliminate.
Luckily, Aligned Modern Health is available for you to schedule your own food sensitivity appointments, just by clicking here! They’ll help you identify what’s bringing you down and help to fuel you back up in a way that works with you and your daily life!