We are thrilled to announce that effective July 1, 2021, Massage Therapy will be back in the massage rooms to perform both Manual Therapy and Self-Pay Massage.
Key things to know:
- As per CDC guidelines for healthcare settings, masks are still required to be worn at all times by the patient and the massage therapist.
- We have added an additional HEPA filter for added safety to our already well-ventilated massage rooms.
- We will continue performing Manual Therapy when dictated by the Chiropractor Care Plan.
- We will also be offering 30 minute Self-Pay Massage Treatments that consist of 25 minutes of hands on time and 60 minute Self-Pay Massage Treatments which consist of 55 minutes of hands on time. (At this time, we will still be suspending our 90 minute massage.)
- We ask that all patients be respectful of time and are efficient as possible coming out of the rooms to ensure time for the massage therapist to properly clean the room before the next patient goes in for their treatment.
- At this time our Wicker Park and Southport massage services will remain on the rehab floor. We appreciate your understanding as we are working hard to get massage back in the rooms there as soon as possible.