Could Functional Medicine be the missing link in making healthy resolutions a reality?
It’s a new year and like many resolution makers, you might have have elected to exercise more, eat healthier, or lose weight. As the weeks go on, it may be harder to maintain the positive changes you had hoped for. After six months, as studies have shown, more than half of resolutions will be broken. (But wait… there is hope!)
Experts say that failed resolutions aren’t inevitable. Resolutions, after all, are just a change in habits and behavior. As simple as that sounds, this is why it can be so hard. Behavior changes take time, persistence, and sometimes extra support.
In order to be successful with your healthy resolutions, working with a Functional Medicine expert can help you make long lasting lifestyle changes in how you approach what foods work best for your body.
Whether you are looking to resolve a specific health issue or want to improve your current state of health, our Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition team can help you get to the root cause of any concerns so that you can feel like your most energized, best self. We offer a full range of diagnostic testing, including Food Sensitivity testing, and individualized treatment plans to help address any underlying issues while creating a blueprint for a long-lasting healthy lifestyle.
We invite you to join us for this month for extra support, including free resources and fitness classes that keep you moving into 2017 with motivation. It’s our “New Year, New You” program. Click here to learn more and to sign up.
Strategies that Stick
Meanwhile, if your resolutions need a reality check, try the following tips for success. These tips focus on nutrition-related resolutions, but the general theme can be applied to any of your goals.
Get On Target
1. Get specific and zero in. Experts suggest setting specific goals and focusing on one resolution at time. For goals related to health and diet, Functional Medicine is a great resource for creating realistic goals that are appropriate and safe for your body. Working with an expert can help reveal exactly what’s going on with your body. Functional Medicine uses science tell you what your body needs more or less of. Instead of it being a guessing game, you can create a foolproof plan for nutrition success.
Forget About New Year’s
2. Throw out the clock! You can – and should – make resolutions all year long. Lifestyle changes take time and repetition. Working with a professional can ensure that your plan is set up for success on a timeline that works.
Baby Steps
3. Easy does it. It’s okay to start small. Experts say that big goals sometimes require too much at once. Focusing in small changes can help you see the big picture goal. Functional Medicine doctors can work with you to understand the small changes you can make that will lead to big results.
We’re looking at you!
4. Accountability. Holding yourself accountable is one thing but having a real live person to track your progress with makes a big difference. Studies have shown that 70% of people who have someone to share their goals with are success in their resolutions. It also helps to connect with people who have achieved your goal.
Count Your Wins
5. Celebrate your success along the way. Do something special to mark your success in between milestones. It can be as simple as sharing the news with friends or thanking those who supported you.
If you’re looking for support with New Year health goals, call us at 773.598.4387 or visit us online to schedule a complimentary consultation.