Ask an Acupuncturist | Mental Health & Acupuncture Treatment
Mental Health affects us all… and is just as important as physical health. In this previously recorded Instagram LIVE chat, acupuncturists Dr. Brendon Fegan, DAOM and Dr. Lamya Kamel, DAOM, MSTOM, answer your questions about treating mental health conditions.
If you’re looking for a natural way to support your mental well-being, acupuncture is worth exploring! If you have additional questions, connect with our team for a free consultation – or insurance verification – by completing the form below.
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Please fill out the form to request an appointment at our health and wellness center for the service and location of your preference. We try to get back to all requests as quickly as possible. If you need immediate assistance, please call 773-598-4387.
Your safety comes first: we are operating with heightened safety measures in our clinics and offer telemedicine for those unable to visit in person.