Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture – also known as facial acupuncture – offers a holistic, natural approach to skin care with benefits that are more than skin deep.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. What your skin is telling you, on the surface level, can be an indicator of your underlying health.
Benefits of Facial Acupuncture
At a glance, cosmetic acupuncture addresses common topical concerns that many of us experience such as:
- acne
- premature aging
- uneven skin tone
- and scarring
Going beyond these external benefits, cosmetic acupuncture also:
- reduces inflammation
- promotes collagen production and increased blood flow
- reduces anxiety and jaw tension
As with all acupuncture treatments, facial acupuncture enhances the body’s ability to heal and balance within.
While it’s normal to be curious (and even anxious) about the changes our maturing bodies may bring, acupuncture unlocks the body’s best healing properties – offering an extra tool in aging gracefully and with confidence.